العِلْمُ رَحِمٌ بَيْنَ أَهْلِهِ، فَحَيَّ هَلاً بِكَ مُفِيْدَاً وَمُسْتَفِيْدَاً، مُشِيْعَاً لآدَابِ طَالِبِ العِلْمِ وَالهُدَى،
مُلازِمَاً لِلأَمَانَةِ العِلْمِيةِ، مُسْتَشْعِرَاً أَنَّ: (الْمَلَائِكَةَ لَتَضَعُ أَجْنِحَتَهَا لِطَالِبِ الْعِلْمِ رِضًا بِمَا يَطْلُبُ) [رَوَاهُ الإَمَامُ أَحْمَدُ]،
فَهَنِيْئَاً لَكَ سُلُوْكُ هَذَا السَّبِيْلِ؛ (وَمَنْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقًا يَلْتَمِسُ فِيهِ عِلْمًا سَهَّلَ اللَّهُ لَهُ بِهِ طَرِيقًا إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ) [رَوَاهُ الإِمَامُ مُسْلِمٌ]،

مرحباً بزيارتك الأولى للملتقى، وللاستفادة من الملتقى والتفاعل فيسرنا تسجيلك عضواً فاعلاً ومتفاعلاً،
وإن كنت عضواً سابقاً فهلم إلى رحاب العلم من هنا.

Winter 2014 courses - دورات الشتاء لعام 2014 (باللغة الإنجليزية)

آدم جون دايفدسون

:: متفاعل ::
17 يناير 2010
أبو مــــالك
مدينة القرى
المذهب الفقهي
مذهب الإمام محمد بن إدريس الشــــافعي

January 2014 – Setting Sail for the Sunnah

By the grace of Allah, our Blessed Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم has left us the map. Now, alhamduliLlah our distinctive & experienced teachers are ready for navigation. May Allah, subhanaHu wa ta’ala, reward them for their services. The coordinates have been marked. And the vast seas are ready for exploration. Be prepared to commit the necessary stamina & perseverance. Don’t delay – join us now, for an exciting, beneficial, extraordinary, and priceless voyage. Don’t miss out on your share of the treasure! May Allah give us each a safe passage and arrival to the destination.

Partake in this remarkable journey.


features the following


الدورات في اللغة العربية هنا

Bulugh al-Maram (Ijazah Course) with Sh. Muhib Ad-Deen Abu Malik Adam Ar-Rumi

Mon, Tues, Wed & Thursday of every week @ 10 pm EST
Starts Monday, January 27, 2014
About 8 weeks, 32 classes (1- 1½ hour classes)

Hadith 100 – Intro to Hadith Methodology with Sh. Zacharia al Khatib

Saturdays @ 12 pm Noon MST
Starts January 18, 2014
About 23 weeks (1- 1½ hour classes)

Sirah: Hada’iq al-Anwar with Sh. ‘Awn Mu’een al-Quddomi

Saturdays & Sundays @ 6:30 am Mecca Time
Starts January 18, 2014
About 25 classes

Shafi’i Fiqh: al-Taqrirat al-Sadidah Part 3 (Ijaza Course) with Sh. Mohammad al-Kaf

Saturdays & Sundays @ 7 pm Mecca Time
Starts Sunday, January 19, 2014
About 8 weeks (1½ hour classes)

Usul al-Fiqh 101: Mahalli’s Commentary on Waraqat with Sh. Yaqub Abdurrahman

Sundays & Wednesdays @ 9 pm Mecca Time
Starts Wednesday, January 22, 2014
About 15-20 classes

Coming in May insha’Allah:

Imam Nawawi’s 40 Hadith (Ijazah Course) with Sh. Abdul Wahab Saleem

Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 12 pm Mountain Time

***Click here to Register for Current or Past Courses

May Allah put much barakah in them, accept these efforts, and guide all of us in improving our ibadah, ikhlas, and relationship with our Great Creator, subhanHu wa ta’ala.

Compare to your time zone here/Click the times above.

Classes are conducted via an ONLINE classroom.
Students are encouraged to attend LIVE, but sessions are Recorded for later review.

Please visit About Us for more information on our Renowned Teachers.

Join The Dar al-Hadith Forum to participate in further discussions, sharing, & study!

Visit The Imam Shafi’i Bookstore.

For Qur’an & Arabic Studies Visit The Kuttab Center.

Students are sometimes invited to read the text during class as has been a part of traditional learning in Islam. The opportunities are great, with exceptional ‘Ulama of today offering their services to students. We invite you to take advantage of these opportunities. May Allah help us all benefit & give us tawfiq and taysir. Jazakum Allahu khayr!


Ready to Learn? Please Register Here.

Please contact courses@shafiifiqh.com with registration questions.


Intense Study of Bulugh al Maram (Ijazah Course)

Islamic Law is extracted from the Qur’an and Hadith (the two Sacred Texts), Qiyas, or Ijma’. This course will assist one in understanding the Islamic Law by exploring the second of the sacred texts, “Hadith,” while also taking a glimpse at how the scholars of Islam dealt with these texts. We will be delving into the first half of Bulugh al Maram (Section of Worshiping/’Ibadaat- Intro, Purification, Prayer, Funeral, Alms, Fasting, and Pilgrimage). Students will furthermore be introduced to what Muslim scholars have been exposed to while learning how, why, and when they differed, with some of the results from the debates and differences.
Prerequisites: Students should have completed at least 1 fiqh book, or have attend many classes on fiqh, covering most fiqh chapters.
Materials Needed: Both the Arabic & English copies of the book; pdfs available insha’Allah.
Requirements/Expectations: Students are expected (not required) to try and memorize 10% of the ahadith we study (approx. 60 to 70 ahadith), in addition to learning every name mentioned as we go through the text. Students should have the intentions to focus and seek Allah’s help as we will be exploring several sciences on our journey.
Language: English instruction; ability to read & understand Arabic recommended.

Hadith 100 – Introduction to Hadith Methodology w/ Sh. Zacharia al Khatib

This course lays a foundation for students to study classical texts like the Bayquniyyah, Nukhbatul Fikr, and others. We will discuss the development of the Islamic system of narration and authentication (isnad), its place in the relation to other branches of Islamic knowledge such as law (fiqh) and jurisprudence (usul), and modern critiques as well as traditional responses. We will also take a practical look at numerous different types of hadith texts, old and new, to get a practical feel for their style and uses. By the end of the course, insha’Allah, students will have a comprehensive picture of hadith and related sciences, and a familiarity with common hadith books.

Recommended texts:
—Hadith Literature: Its Origin, Development & Special Features by M. Zubayr Siddiqui – ITS edition edited by T.J. Winter http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/532065.Hadith_Literature
—Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World by Dr. Jonathan Brown http://www.amazon.com/Hadith-Muhammads-Legacy-Medieval-Foundations/dp/1851686630
—Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature by Dr. M.M. Azami (pdf: http://www.abc.se/home/m9783/ir/d2/shla_e.pdf)
Language: English, Arabic understanding recommended.
Week 1: Introductions, What is a hadith? What is hadith science (mustalah) ?
Week 2: The Role of the Messenger (Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam), the need for transmission
Week 3: The development of hadith after the death of the Prophet, Sal Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam
Week 4: The development of other necessary branches of knowledge (narrator criticism, etc.)
Week 5: The place of hadith science in relation to other Islamic sciences
Week 7: Traditional Sunni interpretation & criticism of hadith
Week 8: Shi’a views on hadith & responses
Week 9: Mu’tazili critiques of hadith & responses
Week 10: Orientalist and modern criticism of hadith & responses
Week 11: Orientalist and modern criticism of hadith & responses (pt 2)
Week 12: New perspectives on hadith criticism: matn criticism & responses
Week 13: Different types of hadith collections – Jami’, Musnad, Sunan, … w/ examples
Week 14: Brief intro to Sahih al-Bukhari, author’s bio, text selections & analysis
Week 15: Intro to Sahih Muslim …
Week 16: Intro to Sunan al Tirmidhi …
Week 17: Intro to Sunan Abi Dawud …
Week 18: Intro to Sunan An-Nasa’i …
Week 19: Intro to Sunan Ibn Majah …
Week 20: Other hadith works: legal collections: Umdatul Ahkam, Bulugh al-Maram, al-Muntaqa
Week 21: Tafsir & hadith (discussion of Ibn Taymiyya’s schema of tafsir, classical tafasir & examples from Ibn Kathir)
Week 22: Reminder works: Riyad al-Saliheen, al-Targhib w’al-Tarhib, etc.
Week 23: Conclusion & final questions.

Imam Bahraq’s Hada’iq al-Anwar wa Matali’ al-Asrar fi Sirah al-Nabi al-Mukhtar with Sh. ‘Awn Mu’een al-Quddomi

The course shall cover the aspects of the Prophet’s sallaAllahu ‘Alaihi w sallam heritage that was left amongst us.
Prerequisites: Remembrance of our beloved Prophet sallaAllahu ‘Alaihi w sallam should be in everyone’s heart before entering the class.
Recommended Materials: Imam Bahraq’s Hada’iq al-Anwar wa Matali’ al-Asrar fi Sirah al-Nabi al-Mukhtar (Visit The Imam Shafi’i Bookstore.)
What We Want to Achieve Through the Course: Each student is required to remain in the state of manners that we were ordered to have when in the presence of the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم . All students are expected to use the information provided to improve upon their lives.
Language: Instructed in Arabic; an effort will be made for English support/translation insha’Allah.

al-Taqrirat al-Sadidah Explained Part 3 – An Ijazah Course on Shafi’i Fiqh with Sh. al Habib Mohammad Omar al-Kaf

Al-Taqrirat al-Sadidah was written by Sh. Hasan al-Kaf and addresses contemporary issues in the Shafi’i madhhab. Based on lessons given by the erudite jurist, Habib Zayn b. Sumayt, the author frequently refers to Ibn Ruslan’s Safwat al-Zubad according to Habib Zayn’s teaching method as done in Hejaz and Hadramawt. The work covers introductory details on the Shafi’i Madhhab, and then chapter by chapter, the sections of worship. During Part 1 & 2, we discussed aspects of the history of the madhhab, its books and scholars, adab of study, fasting, tahara, salat, and more, sometimes even with a comparison study of Nawawi’s Minhaj. —For those pursuing an ijazah, this is an excellent opportunity to take knowledge from one of our era’s leading Shafi’i scholars, an opportunity not to pass.
For Text: Visit the Imam Shafi’i Bookstore.
*New Students are welcome to enroll. One may also register for the Part 1 & 2 Recordings.
Language: Instructed in Arabic. Arabic understanding recommended; Efforts made for English translation in class and of text/materials.

Usul al-Fiqh 101: Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli’s Commentary on Imam al-Haramayn’s Primer, al-Waraqat

Imam al-Haramayn’s Waraqat is a valuable summarization in the subject of usul al-fiqh. The amount of notice given to this work bears witness to its fame and acceptance. The innumerable commentaries penned expounding on its content render it a scholarly work; while the concise, meaning-packed passages make it an excellent presentation for one’s first step into the subject. Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli’s Sharh serves as an excellent medium through which to begin to elucidate key points in Waraqat and also to train one on how to negotiate an interlineal commentary written in a classical format. The central goal of the course is to equip one with a functional understanding of the subject of usul al-fiqh at a rudimentary level; thereby, laying the necessary foundations for one’s own further inquiry into the subject.
One taking this course should be ready to study the subject of usul al-fiqh at an introductory level. The course is to familiarize one with the key chapters and discussions in the science, acquaint one with important terminology, and equip one better to continue in their study of usul al-fiqh.
Recommended Materials:
—An outline of the material (to be provided).
—Sharh al-Mahalli (Visit The Imam Shafi’i Bookstore.)
—Commentaries on Sharh al-Mahalli such as Dimyati’s Hashiyah & Ahmad al-Khatib al-Jawi’s Hashiyat al-Nafahat.
—al-Mu’jam al-Wasit Arabic-to-Arabic Dictionary, Hens Wehr Arabic-to-English Dictionary, or equivalent.
Language: Must be fluent in spoken & written English; class presented in English. The ability to read basic Arabic texts is recommended as it will be helpful, but anyone who wishes to learn will be facilitated whether they have ability in written Arabic or not. One working on negotiating unmarked Arabic script should use this as an opportunity to both boost one’s reading Arabic in general & to augment reading comprehension specific to the subject of usul al-fiqh.

Upcoming insha’Allah…

al-’Arba’een: Explanation of Imam Nawawi’s The 40 Hadith (Ijaazah course) with Sh. Abdul Wahab Saleem

This course will be an intermediate study of the 40 Hadith collected by al-Imam al-Nawawi. The lectures will summarize the key points found in the major works based on this text. Upon completion, students will take a comprehensive exam of the 40 hadith which will focus on the understanding of core concepts related to the ahadith. A considerable amount of focus will placed on understanding the traditions in the Arabic language.
Upon successful completion of the course the students will be awarded an Ijaazah, signed by the instructor & endorsed by The Imam Shafi’i Institute.
Materials: PDF’s with translation available insha’Allah.
Language: Instructed in English. Arabic understanding recommended.

Teacher Biographies Here

We ask Allah for success, great understanding, upright practice, and to help us live a life full of the blessed Sunnah and Holy Qur’an. We are very excited about this opportunity and very much look forward to the new term insha’Allah. Participate…


Jazakum Allahu khayran!

Register Here